Chasing Goals, Gaming Wins and Soaring Dreams - Join My Adventure!

The Goal Glider

The Goal Glider

Yash Rawat (He/Him)

March 2010 – Current

Hey there! I'm a 13-year-old from Kirkland, WA, but I was born in Austin, TX. I'm in the last year of middle school and super excited about starting high school soon.

I'm really into math, video games, and sports. Most of my week is filled with cool activities. I play soccer as a center back in the Lake Washington Premier Football Club - Boys and Girls Premier Soccer ( – it's awesome! This is my first year with this league but we are a great team have a great coach. I have a lot to learn, we did decent in the fall league and looking forward to spring league.

I also joined the Civil Air Patrol recently and got promoted to Airman. I had my first flying experience last November, which was so cool, and I can't wait to fly more and tell you all about it here.

In gaming, I'm big into Fortnite and Rocket League. I'm an Elite player in Fortnite and have tried competing in some big tournaments. My duo and I are working hard to get even better. In Rocket League, I'm a Champion, aiming to hit the top rank soon!

I also love biking. Last year, I did the Seattle to Portland bike ride. It was tough but really fun. I had to write about that experience and shared it with my friends and that’s really what got thinking about the idea of this website. I will be sharing my experiences with biking, gaming, and flying.

oh wait I also have the coolest and cutest dog. I will also share some pictures on him and his fun updates.

Keep checking back for updates on all my adventures in Blog section!